
To use Python AutoTask Web Services in a project:

import atws

To enable some of the additional features that process over every entity returned by a query, the module must be imported explicitly so that it can monkeypatch the suds library. CRUD and UserdefinedFields are imported by the wrapper by default, but the others are not enabled by default.:

import atws.monkeypatch.attributes

Connecting to Autotask

  • API v1.5

Only a username and password are required, but if you are initialising the library often, it may pay to also include the zone url, otherwise it needs to be discovered by performing an API lookup.:

at = atws.connect(username='',password='userpassword')

If you have obtained an integrationcode then it must be supplied under 1.5 as well.

From api v1.6 documentation:
A tracking identifier is not required to access v1.5, unless the user accessing v1.5 already has an identifier assigned. In that case, the user is required to provide their identifier.

If necessary, include the integration code in the connect parameters.:

at = atws.connect(username='',
  • API v1.6

Autotask PSA API v1.6 requires an integration code while making the connection. You must also specify the API version in the connect parameters:

at = atws.connect(username='',

Support Files

Often, Autotask support will ask for the XML that is being sent/received in order to support a problem. Sometimes you might like to see this raw output yourself to check date conversions or entity SAX failures. There is a support file message plugin to copy XML files to a path you specify when connecting to the API.:

at = atws.connect(username='',

Querying for entities

The Query object:

''' In SQL this query would be:
id > 5667
 Status = 'Complete'
 IssueType = 'Non Work Issues'
query = atws.Query('Ticket')
         at.picklist['Ticket']['IssueType']['Non Work Issues'])
# in ATWS XML, it would look like this
print query.pretty_print()

Query result cursor

The query method in the wrapper accepts the query, and returns a generator cursor which can be used to enumerate the results:

tickets = at.query(query)
# enumerate them
for ticket in tickets:

# process them like a generator
ticket =

# or get a list
all_tickets = at.query(query).fetch_all()

# or if you know you are just getting one result
ticket = at.query(query).fetch_one()

Updating entities

Following on from the previous query result example… entities can be modified, and then returned to the API. It’s best to do this using a generator function so that you can process in batches of 500 and 200. The Autotask API only gets a maximum of 500 entities per query, and can only submit 200 entities to be processed.:

def close_tickets(tickets):
    for ticket in tickets:
        ticket.Status = at.picklist['Ticket']['Status']['Complete']
        yield ticket

tickets = at.query(query)
# still nothing has been done
tickets_to_update = close_tickets(tickets)
# a generator cursor result again - still nothing has been done
updated_tickets = at.update(tickets_to_update)

# now the query is executed
# and then the entities are modified and resubmitted for processing
for ticket in updated_tickets:
    print, 'was closed'

# if there were 1400 tickets in the results, then the following activity
# would take place:
# query #1 returns ticket ids 1-500
# ticket ids 1-200 are submitted for processing
# ticket ids 201-400 are submitted for processing
# query #2 returns ticket ids 501-1000
# ticket ids 401-600 are submitted for processing

# if you don't need to see the results, you can just:


Many entities have picklists to describe possible id values for attributes. Some common ticket entity picklist values are: Status, Priority, QueueID Looking up the picklists for an entity is an API call. There is a caching attribute on the wrapper object for accessing picklists.:

assert at.picklist['Ticket']['Status']['Complete'] == 5
assert at.picklist['Ticket']['Status'].reverse_lookup(5) == 'Complete'

Some picklists are children of parent picklists. In a ticket, Subissue type is a child of Issue type. These are handled differently due to possible naming conflicts.:

at.picklist['Ticket']['SubIssueType']['Hardware Failure']['Mouse']

In the example above, ‘Hardware Failure’ is an Issue Type, and ‘Mouse’ is a Subissue Type.

Creating entities

To create an entity, you must first create the object, and then submit it to be processed. Note that many entities have required fields.:

ticket ='Ticket')
ticket.Title = 'test ticket'
ticket.AccountID = 0
ticket.DueDateTime =
ticket.Priority = at.picklist['Ticket']['Priority']['Standard']
ticket.Status = at.picklist['Ticket']['Status']['New']
ticket.QueueID = at.picklist['Ticket']['QueueID']['Your Queue Name Here']
#if you are just submitting one ticket:
ticket.create() # updates the ticket object inline using CRUD patch
# or:
new_ticket = at.create(ticket).fetch_one()

# if you are submitting many tickets, then you have the same querycursor
# options.  Process in submissions of 200 entities per API call:
tickets = at.create(new_tickets)
# or process them all at once:
tickets = at.create(new_tickets).fetch_all()
# or process them without keeping the results:
tickets = at.create(new_tickets).execute()


CRUD feature to the suds objects returned in the wrapper. It supports Create, Update, Refresh, and Delete:

ticket ='Ticket')
ticket.Title = 'Test ticket - no id yet'
assert hasattr(ticket, 'id') is False
ticket.create() # this will create the ticket in Autotask

ticket.Title = 'I changed this'
ticket.update() # this will update the ticket in Autotask

Userdefined Fields

Userdefined Fields are a little odd in the default suds object, so they are wrapped to provide a better interface to handle them.:

my_udf_value = ticket.get_udf('My Udf Name')

ticket.set_udf('My Udf Name', my_new_udf_value)

# all attributes can be accessed by index
ticket_status = ticket['Status']
# if the attribute is missing, UDF will be presumed
my_udf_value = ticket['My Udf Name']
# and likewise for assignment.  if the attribute to be assigned isn't in the
SOAP specification, then a UDF will be assumed.
ticket['Status'] = at.picklist['Ticket']['Status']['Complete']
ticket['My New Userdefined Field'] = my_udf_value

Getting Invoice Markup

Generated markup for an invoice can be fetched from ATWS by supplying invoice ID and preferred markup format (XML or HTML)

invoice_html_string = at.get_invoice_markup(3, ‘html’)

Additional Features




Advanced Example